10 signatures reached
To: Faith Leaders Committed To Justice in Georgia
Do Justice and Love Mercy with the Georgia Justice Clergy 100

Social justice is at the heart of the life of faith.
Within most of the great religions of the world is a commitment to poor, brokenhearted, imprisoned, and oppressed people. This compassion is best expressed through the pursuit of justice in culture and society. As many of the Hebrew prophets proclaim, "Justice is what God requires of us" (Micah 6:8).
Many public faith voices misrepresent their faith tradition by divorcing justice from God’s good news. We reject this practice and affirm our commitment to the pursuit of social justice as an essential part of our ministry to our congregants, communities, and country.
Within most of the great religions of the world is a commitment to poor, brokenhearted, imprisoned, and oppressed people. This compassion is best expressed through the pursuit of justice in culture and society. As many of the Hebrew prophets proclaim, "Justice is what God requires of us" (Micah 6:8).
Many public faith voices misrepresent their faith tradition by divorcing justice from God’s good news. We reject this practice and affirm our commitment to the pursuit of social justice as an essential part of our ministry to our congregants, communities, and country.
Why is this important?
Therefore we stand together as the Georgia Justice Clergy 100 against all forms of anti-justice theology, ministry, and public policy in our state and beyond.
To this end, we are coming together to form a network of clergy dedicated to creating justice and freedom for the people of Georgia. As a network, we will use progressive faith leadership, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education to proclaim the justice of God in our time.
We hope all like-minded clergy will join us!
Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock, Senior Minister, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Rev. Billy Michael Honor, Faith Organizer, Loose the Chains (New Georgia Project)
Rev. Dr. Dominique A. Robinson, Itinerant Minister, AME Zion Church
Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Congregation Bet Haverim
To this end, we are coming together to form a network of clergy dedicated to creating justice and freedom for the people of Georgia. As a network, we will use progressive faith leadership, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education to proclaim the justice of God in our time.
We hope all like-minded clergy will join us!
Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock, Senior Minister, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Rev. Billy Michael Honor, Faith Organizer, Loose the Chains (New Georgia Project)
Rev. Dr. Dominique A. Robinson, Itinerant Minister, AME Zion Church
Rabbi Joshua Lesser, Congregation Bet Haverim