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To: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler

Tell Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler: Appoint Jo Ann Hardesty Police Commissioner

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler should appoint Jo Ann Hardesty as police commissioner.

Why is this important?

As Portland, Oregon struggles to address systemic racism and the deployment of federal forces to suppress protests that fuel democracy and spur reform, Mayor Ted Wheeler has a historic opportunity to transfer control of the Portland Police Bureau to Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty. Commissioner Hardesty has been a long-time champion of police accountability. Her appointment as police commissioner would demonstrate to all Portlanders, from those in the BIPOC community to the leaders of the police union that has historically resisted reform, that a new day has arrived in the Rose City. Mayor Wheeler would offer renewed evidence of his commitment to a more just Portland by making this appointment. Commissioner Hardesty has expressed her willingness to take on this challenging assignment. If Portland wants to declare that #BlackLivesMatter, appointing Portland’s first black woman City Council member as police commissioner, a leader who has fought for justice her entire life, would be a step towards realizing that vision.
Portland, OR, USA

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2020-12-23 20:01:00 -0500

12/23 Update: Today, Mayor Wheeler announced new bueaeu assignments and failed to appoint Jo Ann Hardesty as police commissioner. Add your name today. Make your voice heard.

2020-08-20 10:28:33 -0400

This petition will be re-shared with Portland City Council soon. So sign and share!

2020-08-15 20:37:01 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-08-01 03:04:27 -0400

We are so close to 400 signatures! Please sign and share.

2020-07-31 09:49:19 -0400

Over 350 people have now signed this petition. Please continue to share with friends.

2020-07-29 00:44:25 -0400

Over 250 people have signed a petition asking Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler to name Jo Ann Hardesty police commissioner. We need a champion of reform and justice in this role. Pls sign. Pls share. Get us to 500 names. #PortlandProtest #PortlandProtests #BLM

2020-07-28 11:12:46 -0400

Thank you folks! We’ve hit 200 signatures pretty quickly. Please share this petition with your contacts on social media and elsewhere so that more people have the opportunity to be heard!

2020-07-27 14:34:51 -0400

We’ve gotten our first 100 signatures! Please keep them coming, and remember to share via email and social media with others!

2020-07-27 14:07:55 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-07-27 13:12:48 -0400

” After two years in office, Wheeler needs to admit he lacks the expertise and will to lead on police reform. He needs to acknowledge Commissioner Hardesty's expertise in this subject matter, cede control of the Police Bureau to her, and empower her to set the table for the next round of police contract negotiations. We believe that she can lead us as a community in innovating an effective, truly independent civilian oversight body for the Portland police (ideally with subpoena power).”

2020-07-27 12:43:01 -0400

Thanks for the support! Please remember to share with your friends on social media. Invite them to sign!

2020-07-27 12:15:14 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-07-27 11:16:42 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-07-27 10:31:45 -0400

Thank you for signing. This petition will be delivered to the mayor's office to demonstrate public support for a change in leadership. After you sign, please share. Thank you!

2020-07-27 07:30:35 -0400

10 signatures reached