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To: Jeffrey Lynch, Deputy Field Office Director, & Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Department of Homeland Security

Grant Arturo Hernández Garcia's Stay of Deportation

This family man, community leader and small business owner faces deportation after March 15th unless he is granted a stay. We ask you to grant a stay of deportation for 1 year for Arturo Armando Hernández Garcia, A#087-952-389, so he can remain with his family while a decision from a district court is pending.

Why is this important?

Arturo Hernández, married for 21 years, has two daughters, a 19-year-old in the DACA process and an 13-year-old U.S. citizen. He and his family have lived in Colorado for 19 years. Arturo is a small business owner and started his company as a subcontractor in the construction industry in 2008. He provides employment for an average of 8 or 9 people annually. Since leaving Sanctuary he has organized and advocated for better policies and educated thousands of citizens on the realities of our immigration system. Arturo has worked hard for himself and his family and has helped to employ others. ICE detained Arturo on April 26th, 2017, at his workplace despite a letter from ICE indicating he would not be deported. Community won his release and Senator Bennet introduced a private bill that gave Arturo a stay of deportation until March 15, 2019. Join us in asking immigration to extend his stay another year as his family's court case continues.

The Metro Denver Sanctuary Coalition welcomed Arturo into sanctuary October 19th at First Unitarian Society of Denver. We continue to act on our commitment to welcome and accompany our immigrant neighbors into our community because we are called upon to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Arturo is our neighbor, and his threat of deportation is a threat to our entire community. We do not accept anyone's right to tear apart loving families in our community. We chose to bring Arturo into sanctuary two years ago because it was just, and believed the injustice of our immigration policy is an offense against our community and our faith.

Because of the significant suffering his deportation would cause his daughters, his wife and the families of his employees, we ask that his deportation be stopped immediately and that he be granted a stay of removal so he can stay with his family. We urge you to Sign and Share this petition asking Director Lynch to grant Arturo a stay of removal. Such action would not only be in line with the teaching of our faith traditions, but true to the values of our communities and nation.
Please read the letter to Jeffrey Lynch, Deputy Field Office Director of the Denver ICE office below, sign your name, and press submit to add your name to Arturo’s petition requesting a stay of removal on his deportation! Help us keep up the momentum by sharing widely and asking your friends to do the same!

Dear Mr. Lynch,
I am writing to ask that you stop the deportation of Arturo Armando Hernandez Garcia A#087-952-389 and grant him a stay of removal so he can remain with his family.
Arturo Hernández, married for 18 years, has two daughters, a 17-year-old in the DACA process and a 11-year-old U.S. citizen. He and his family have lived in Colorado for 17 years. Arturo is a small business owner and started his company as a subcontractor in the construction industry in 2008. He provides employment for an average of 8 or 9 people annually.
In 2010, Arturo was arrested by the local police of the City of Lonetree, while working construction, where he was verbally assaulted and wrongly accused of threatening an American with a knife. He was arrested, and when he arrived at the jail, he was placed on an immigration "hold." He was detained by immigration without having been found guilty of the charges and having his day in court. He later proved his innocence in court, so in late 2010 they withdrew the criminal charges and he was acquitted.
Although the courts found him innocent, deportation proceedings with ICE continued and on April 26th, 2017 he was detained at his workplace despite a letter from ICE indicating he would not be deported. Arturo has viable legal options to remain in the US, including an application his in-laws submitted in 2005 that is still pending and whose priority date is currently being challenges in court. Because of the significant suffering of his daughters, wife and the families of his employees, we ask that his deportation be stopped immediately and that he be granted a stay of removal so he can stay with his family while he awaits the court's decision.
Denver, CO, United States

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2019-04-17 12:19:47 -0400
ALERTA DE ACCION: Ahora Arturo Hernández García, un padre y líder de santuario de Colorado, está enfrentando una orden que dice que tiene que salir del país. El congresista Perlmutter presentó un proyecto de ley privado que podría otorgarle a Arturo una estadía de seis meses; tiempo suficiente para que varias de sus opciones legales avancen. PERO los líderes del Comité Judicial no están utilizando su poder para avanzar este proyecto de ley. Por favor, llámelos hoy y pídales que utilicen su poder para que muevan este proyecto de ley, y a otras parecidas. Pídales que #MantenganUnidasLasFamilias
Rep. Lofgren (CA) (202) 225-3072
Rep. Nadler (NY) (202) 225-5635

2019-04-17 12:19:26 -0400
ACTION ALERT: After almost 20 years in the US, Colorado father, business owner and sanctuary leader, Arturo Hernandez Garcia, has been ordered to leave. Congressman Perlmutter has introduced a private bill that could grant Arturo a six month stay; enough time for various legal options to move forward. BUT leaders on the Judiciary Committee haven't moved the bill forward and Arturo’s time is growing short. Please call today and ask them to use their power to move this private bill, and others like it, forward. Ask them to #KeepArturoHome, to #KeepFamiliesTogether.
Rep. Lofgren (CA) (202) 225-3072
Rep. Nadler (NY) (202) 225-5635

2019-03-21 22:39:37 -0400

ALERTA DE ACCION: Firma y comparte la peticion y gofundme aplaimente. Necesitamos alzar los fondos para el siguiente paso en la lucha.…/arturo-and-ana-fight-4-families
Ho Arturo entro a ICE por su cita. Insistieron en que el y el pastor que lo acompano apagaron sus celulares. Luego lo dijeron que su aplicacion de parar su deportacion fue negado, Que tiene que regresarse el 4 de abril con boletos en la mano para salir a Mexico antes del 22 de abril. Tenemos otra mes para luchar!
Arturo compartió su reacción de ser pedido de cerrar su vida en EE. UU. antes del 22 de abril, “Seguiremos luchando y hablaremos con nuestros abogados sobre los siguientes pasos. Mis hijas me motivan de mantenerme de pie y creyendo que si permanecemos unidos en nuestra casa justas. Aprecio el tiempo extra de buscar siguientes pasos, pero no hemos terminado todavía.”

2019-03-21 22:39:30 -0400

***Sigue en español***
ACTION ALERT: Sign and share the petition and gofundme widely. We need to raise the next amount in legal fees to fund the fight that's coming…/arturo-and-ana-fight-4-families
Today Arturo entered ICE for his check in. They insisted he and his clergy support turn off their cell phones. He received the news his stay was denied, he should come back on April 4 with a ticket leaving to Mexico on or before Aprill 22. We have another month to fight!
Arturo shared his reaction to being asked to wrap up a life in the US before April 22 “We will keep fighting and talk with our lawyers about what’s next. My daughters motivate me to keep fighting and believing that we can remain together as a family. I appreciate the extra time to continue pursuing a solution, but we are not done yet.”

2019-03-12 17:41:09 -0400

5,000 signatures reached

2017-04-28 17:06:30 -0400

We regret to inform you ICE detained that Arturo Hernandez Garcia at work this morning in direct contradiction to the letter DHS issued him saying he's not an enforcement priority.

Please join us in calling 7208752050 to reach Jeffrey Lynch, Deputy Field Office Director right now. Arturo belongs with his family! This action seems to target activists for taking public stances for immigrant families. Nothing about Arturo's case changed, the only change is in the republican administration. Regardless of what the administration claims about targeting certain people, it is clear that it is families that are being targeted and separated.

Please stand with Arturo!

2015-03-27 13:24:25 -0400

El Viernes pasado Ana recibio la noticia que el stay de Arturo fue negado mientras marcho con mas de 300 apoyadores. Muchos de ustedes estuvieron con ella cuando compartio la noticia. Ella y Arturo estan listos de seguir la lucha. Estas listo tambien?

Comparte la peticion

Lunes 30 de Marzo haz una llamada a Washington DC
Call ICE Director Saldana: (202)-732-3000
Call ERO Director Homas: (202)-732-5545
SAMPLE SCRIPT: "Hello I'm calling to ask that ICE stop the deportation of Arturo Armando Hernández Garcia (A087-952-389). I was deeply (saddened,angered,disappointed) that his stay was denied last week. Arturo is a man of deep faith and a small businessman who has lived in the United States for more than 15 years. He is the sole economic support of his family, a father of two daughters, one an American citizen, and they need him at home. Arturo Hernández is a perfect example of someone who should be granted discretion."

2015-03-27 13:23:42 -0400

Last Friday we turned our prayer in to a march to the courthouse with over 300 supporters. Ana received word that Arturo's stay was denied as we marched. They decided to keep marching. She and Arturo are ready to keep on going. Will you join us?

Share the petition widely

Monday, March 30th Make a call to Immigration in Washington
Call ICE Director Saldana: (202)-732-3000
Call ERO Director Homas: (202)-732-5545
SAMPLE SCRIPT: "Hello I'm calling to ask that ICE stop the deportation of Arturo Armando Hernández Garcia (A087-952-389). I was deeply (saddened,angered,disappointed) that his stay was denied last week. Arturo is a man of deep faith and a small businessman who has lived in the United States for more than 15 years. He is the sole economic support of his family, a father of two daughters, one an American citizen, and they need him at home. Arturo Hernández is a perfect example of someone who should be granted discretion."

2015-01-23 00:38:21 -0500

We're at 1,300 signatures. Help us get to 3,000 by sharing Mariana, Arturo's daughter's, message!
Estamos a 1,300 firmas. Ayudanos lograr 3,000 o mas compartiendo este mensaje de Mariana, la hija de Arturo.

2014-12-01 02:40:55 -0500

1,000 signatures reached

2014-10-26 23:36:51 -0400

500 signatures reached

2014-10-25 14:31:35 -0400

Arturo and his family thank you for signing the petition. They are so encouraged to see so many signatures in such a short period of time! You can see video of the ceremony welcoming Arturo into Sanctuary here:

2014-10-23 12:26:26 -0400

100 signatures reached

2014-10-22 22:04:54 -0400

50 signatures reached

2014-10-22 19:29:05 -0400

25 signatures reached