100 signatures reached
To: Clergywomen and Allies
Clergywomen and Allies Denounce Sexual Assault and Abuse; Oppose Kavenaugh Supreme Court Nomination

- Register and vote on November 6th!
Contact your Senators via social media to urge them vote NO to Kavenaugh. Pledge your support for them in doing so.
- Contact your representatives to ask them to support reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act!
Contact your Senators via social media to urge them vote NO to Kavenaugh. Pledge your support for them in doing so.
- Contact your representatives to ask them to support reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act!
Why is this important?
There are times when silence is not only betrayal. It is obscene. We find ourselves in such a moment right now as we watch the unfolding narratives about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the deeply disturbing allegations against him. It goes without saying that the past few weeks have been emotionally, spiritually and even physically taxing for many of us in the faith community and in our nation. We have witnessed profiles in courage and profiles in cruelty. We have seen survivors of sexual assault and abuse come forward for the very first time and bravely share unimaginable experiences. Sadly, we have also seen those same survivors be ridiculed and demeaned in shameful ways – most notably by the President of the United States and some evangelical church leaders.
We have had enough.
We are painfully aware that sexual assault and abuse has not been limited to the larger, secular society. It has been, and continues to be, a problem within the Church, leaving a lasting stain on our souls and our witness. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone – least of all church leaders, elected officials or by someone nominated to be on the Supreme Court of The United States.
We have had enough.
While the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, his behavior and his lack of candor give us great pause. Several U.S. Senators, church leaders and even other women who support Judge Kavanaugh have also shown us how deeply entrenched our society is in misogyny, sexism and rape culture.
We. Have. Had. ENOUGH.
We are, therefore, calling on all people of faith and conscience to:
- Stand up with Survivors of sexual assault and abuse
- Contact your U.S. Senators on social media and email (https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm) and urge them to vote NO on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh.
- Contact your representatives (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members) and tell them to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which expired on Sept. 30th .
- Register and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6th.
We will not just take it. We will not be silent. Our mouths are uncovered. We will make our voices heard and hold those who dismiss, ignore, deride or shame us accountable when we go to the polls.
Because, we believe survivors and we have had enough.
We have had enough.
We are painfully aware that sexual assault and abuse has not been limited to the larger, secular society. It has been, and continues to be, a problem within the Church, leaving a lasting stain on our souls and our witness. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone – least of all church leaders, elected officials or by someone nominated to be on the Supreme Court of The United States.
We have had enough.
While the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, his behavior and his lack of candor give us great pause. Several U.S. Senators, church leaders and even other women who support Judge Kavanaugh have also shown us how deeply entrenched our society is in misogyny, sexism and rape culture.
We. Have. Had. ENOUGH.
We are, therefore, calling on all people of faith and conscience to:
- Stand up with Survivors of sexual assault and abuse
- Contact your U.S. Senators on social media and email (https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm) and urge them to vote NO on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh.
- Contact your representatives (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members) and tell them to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which expired on Sept. 30th .
- Register and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6th.
We will not just take it. We will not be silent. Our mouths are uncovered. We will make our voices heard and hold those who dismiss, ignore, deride or shame us accountable when we go to the polls.
Because, we believe survivors and we have had enough.