• Pardon Assia Serrano and End Her Family Separation
    Assia Serrano is a Panamanian immigrant survivor of manipulation and abuse. After spending 15 years incarcerated for actions she took as a young person under the coercive influence of her abuser — her then-partner, a man 20 years older than her — Assia’s sentence was shortened under the Domestic Violence Survivors’ Justice Act. But instead of being released to reunite with her family in the U.S. (including her two children), New York State handed her directly over to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). ICE then moved quickly to deport Assia before she had a fair hearing on her right to remain in the United States. Now, she has almost no pathway back to the US to reunite with her family without a full and unconditional pardon. But if the Governor pardons Assia, she has numerous pathways to come back and secure permanent status here with her family and loved ones. Assia belongs at home with her community and loved ones, not in Panama where she hasn’t been since she was 15. ICE is intent on making Assia’s already prolonged family separation permanent and destroying Assia’s dreams for her family and future. Indeed, while Assia was incarcerated, she has worked as: a translator; a caregiver in the Children’s Center caring for people during pregnancy (an issue she is especially passionate about because she was pregnant when she was arrested), as well as for their children; and as a teacher in classes focused on prenatal care and sex. She remains actively involved in her own children’s life, despite her abusive ex-partner’s attempt to withhold access to their children, and despite the fact that she has now been deported. You can read more about Assia and other detained immigrant domestic violence survivors here: https://prismreports.org/2021/07/16/immigrant-domestic-violence-survivors-are-re-victimized-by-the-state/ You can also read more about how ex-Governor Cuomo's gender based violence includes his failure to free imprisoned survivors, a legacy that Governor Hochul now has the chance to undo: https://truthout.org/articles/cuomos-gender-based-violence-includes-his-failure-to-free-imprisoned-survivors/ Please take action by demanding that Governor Hochul use her discretionary power as Governor to grant Assia's pardon application and end ICE transfers in NY.
    3,331 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Samah Sisay
  • VOTE and become a VOTER's Advocate: Make this election a RESTORE HOPE and JUSTICE campaign
    This nation is in peril. We are a divided nation. We must come together to save the integrity of our constitution. We have lost ground and dignity in the past four years due to unimaginable corruption and lack of leadership. We must pause the hate and systematic injustices. We must press forward to a nation of integrity that welcomes racial, religious, and LGBT equality. We must stop the tendency to go back 100 years and instead adopt policies that will honor science, save the integrity of the vote and bring together a divided nation for the sake of our children and their children's children. This moment is bigger than US. This is a deciding moment in the history of this nation. Will we stand up against white supremacy's threat to rear its ugly head? Will we stand for women's hard earned rights? Will we push back on foreign governments' attempts to control the White House? Will we honor those who protect our borders and have lost their lives for this country? Who will speak for the homeless? We are a better people when we vote our values that protect human rights, rather than destroy human rights. When it's all said and done which side will you choose to stand on? Will you be on the side of justice, freedom, and people's rights? Will you choose to vote for Humanity and Freedom, for all children and people regardless of sexual preference, race, creed or other qualifiers? Please join me and others in taking a stand for the right side of Justice by joining me and others who are set on causing as the late Congressman Lewis encouraged us to do... Causing GOOD TROUBLE. Vote your conscience on November 3rd and bring others along to save this nation from itself.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Winona Hauge
  • We Declare Judgment on the Sins of the Senate
    Woe unto those who legislate evil and rob the poor of their rights -Isaiah 10 We declare that no matter how much power humanity thinks it has, there is still the power of the people and the power of the moral arc of the universe. There is still the power of the Creator we still believe in. Any earthly power that tries to undermine these inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is wrong and must be altered. That’s not an idea we came up with. That’s what the Founders of this nation wrote down on paper. We know that to undermine the establishment of justice, the provision for the common defense, promoting the general welfare, ensuring domestic tranquility, and guaranteeing equal protection under the law is a violation of our deepest constitutional values and the very moral values of God. When we see this current Senate, under the leadership of Senate Leader McConnell, refuse to pass a stimulus bill because they care more about corporate greed and tax cuts for the wealthy than they do for people who are sick, dying, suffering economically and hurting, we declare that it is sin. When we see the attempt to steal Supreme Court seats over against their own assertion that it is wrong to do so after an election has already begun, that is sin. When we see the refusal to reform policing to protect and serve, that is sin. When we see the refusal to properly address the death and destruction of the coronavirus and to be more interested in denying healthcare than keeping people alive, that is sin. When we see attempts to throw doubt and sow discord, division, and deceit into the general election, that is sin. Before God and the values of our constitution, we’ve come today to render this judgment. We have come to remind you that in the economy of God, a nation is judged by how she cares for the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the immigrant, the sick, and the least of these. We have come to warn the Senate that your arms are too short to box with God. We have come to warn you that your unholy alliance with lies and manipulation and lust for power and racism will be your undoing and will bring harm to the nation. But we also say that you have the opportunity NOW to change. If you do not change, then as Frederick Douglass said in 1857, just maybe your actions, your attitude, and your arrogance is just one final link in the chain of events preparatory to the downfall of your entire system of scheming against the people and against the values of God. We declare that what you are doing will not deter people, but rather will embolden us to fight for the very things you seek to take away. The healthcare you seek to destroy will result in universal healthcare. The vote you try to suppress will result in a massive voter turnout and fresh laws to protect the right to vote. The justice you seek to withhold from the people will lead to a fierce commitment to restructure our judicial system and our courts towards the calls of justice. What you mean for evil shall work for good if you continue. The dye has been cast and judgment will be rendered and ultimately your trickery, your manipulations will fail! We are here as people of faith! We are here as people of love! We are here as people of peace! We are here as people of justice! We are here as people of hope! We are here as people of truth! We are here as people of collective power! We speak out against stealing a Supreme Court seat We speak out against refusing just stimulus We speak out against the sins of stopping police reform We speak out against the sins of stealing healthcare We speak out against the sins of stifling living wages We speak out against the sins of separating families We speak out against the sins of injustice! We cry out as the souls who have died without justice, Breonna Taylor. We cry out as the souls who have died fighting for justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We cry out as the 205,000 souls who have died because of the mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic, Our Family. Where is their justice? It’s rising up! Justice is rising up in the voices of 140 million poor and low-income people in this nation Justice is rising up in our vote Justice is rising up in the vision of life we have for our future We rise as people of justice We rise as people of truth We rise as people of faith We will continue to rise up!
    1,215 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival Picture
  • Statement by Faith Leaders on the U.S. State Department’s Commission on Unalienable Rights
    The Commission’s director recently scoffed at such concerns, characterizing the Commission’s report as nothing more than “reflections on the nation’s founding principles.” And we know from Secretary Pompeo’s repeated comments, including at Thursday’s public presentation of the report, that he will seek to use the Commission’s report to justify marginalizing certain rights, thus diminishing human rights advocacy and stifling demands for accountability for those whose rights have been violated. Such politicization of human rights—and of freedom of religion in particular—is dangerous, particularly now when the forces of authoritarianism are on the rise globally. We urge members of the Commission to consider the risks of complicity in such an effort and use this comment period to ensure that the final version of the Commission’s report firmly upholds the universality and indivisibility of rights as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This will put the United States in the best position to stand up for religious freedom around the world. For our part, we will steadfastly defend the freedom of all people to follow their faith, while standing firm against the use of religion to suppress human rights for the most vulnerable people. Sincerely,* Rev. Amanda Hambrick Ashcraft, Executive Minister for Justice, Education & Movement Building, Middle Collegiate Church Robert Bank, President and CEO of American Jewish World Service Susan Barnett, Founder, Faiths for Safe Water Rabbi Sharon Brous, Founder and Senior Rabbi, IKAR-LA Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO, Faith in Public Life Shaun Casey, Georgetown University Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, Executive Director, NETWORK; Leader of Nuns on the Bus Shane Claiborne, Co-Founder, Red Letter Christians Miguel H. Diaz, PhD, Ambassador to the Holy See, Ret., Loyola University Chicago Marianne Duddy-Burke, Executive Director, DignityUSA Rev. Nathan Empsall, Faithful America Dr. Sharon Groves, Vice President for Public Engagement, Auburn Seminary Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, Fellow, Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative, Center for American Progress Prof. Dr. Hille Haker, Richard McCormick Endowed Chair of Ethics, Loyola University Chicago Lisa Sharon Harper, Founder and President, Freedom Road, LLC Rev. Dr. Katharine Henderson, President, Auburn Seminary Rabbi Jill Jacobs, Executive Director, T'ruah Valarie Kaur, the Revolutionary Love Project Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, PhD, Senior Minister, Middle Collegiate Church Rev. Michael-Ray Mathews, Deputy Director & Director of Clergy Organizing, Faith in Action Dr. Keisha E. McKenzie, Auburn Seminary, New York, NY Rev. Brian D. McLaren, Author Rabbi Jack Moline, Interfaith Alliance Elaina Ramsey, Interim Executive Director, Red Letter Christians Bishop Gene Robinson, The Episcopal Church Simran Jeet Singh, Visiting Professor, Union Theological Seminary Maggie Siddiqi, Director, Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative, Center for American Progress Michael A. Vazquez, MTS, Religion & Faith Director, Human Rights Campaign Rev. angel Kyodo williams, Transformative Change Ahmed Younis, JD PhD, Former Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Deputy Special Envoy (GEC), Department of State Rev. Katey Zeh, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Groundswell Movement
  • Catholic Women Religious Superiors Should Vote at the Pan-Amazonian Synod
    As the upcoming Pan-Amazonian Synod begins on October 6, 185 men are expected to vote on the final document, and 0 women are expected to vote. One non-ordained, religious brother is voting while no non-ordained, religious sisters will be voting. Women who have the same ecclesial status as non-ordained men are excluded, again. In 2018, calls for women religious to vote at the Synod on Youth came from Catholics across the globe. Women religious themselves worked hard for the vote. And the final document, which was the will of the bishops, for the first time, called the inclusion of women in decision-making structures a “duty of justice.” This year, among the 265 participants, only 33 are women. Ten of the women are religious from the International Union of Superiors General (UISG). This group of women have the identical ecclesial status as the male non-ordained religious superiors, one of whom is voting at the synod. Still, these women religious superiors are not voting at the synod. Two women religious were named as part of the pre-synodal council, orchestrating the agenda and the working document alongside 16 ordained men. All 16 ordained men on this list are voting members of the Synod. The two women religious are auditors but not voting. This injustice must end. Join us in signing this petition. We will not stop until women have the right to vote at our synods.
    5,722 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Rose-Milavec Picture
  • Sonoma County — United in Kindness
    Communities like ours around the country—and around the world—are gathering in solidarity to denounce acts of violence and hate. An urgency for peace and reason is bubbling up like a geyser ready to burst in a powerful show of force for change. The Interfaith Council of Sonoma County (ICSC) invites you to take part in a campaign titled “Sonoma County—United in Kindness.” The painfully tragic events in Christchurch, New Zealand, the Pittsburgh synagogue shootings and other horrific incidents underscore how compelled we are to take a stand. It is time. Let’s stop the fast-moving fire of hatred with a stream of tangible and sustainable acts in our workplaces and communities. First action: ICSC with your help will gather thousands of signatures on the declaration, Sonoma County—United in Kindness (see below). We’ve done this before with the 2016 campaign rejecting Islamophobia. Please sign the declaration yourself and share it with others on social media. Encourage friends, neighbors and strangers to envision Sonoma County—United in Kindness. Unify our community in a desire to build good will, harmony and kindness. Together, not alone, we can change our world and positively impact our neighborhoods, our workplaces, and how we treat each other every day. Next action: Take sensible actions for a sustained campaign to ensure a Sonoma County—United in Kindness. We will call on county and city officials, school district administrators, faith congregations, business leaders, police agencies, courts, radio and TV stations and other news media to embrace our vision and to come up with a sustainable plan of action. Dozens of local groups are already making progress toward positive change. To succeed, this important campaign needs each one of us. Can you see downtown lamppost banners with “Sonoma County—United in Kindness”? How would a county united in kindness feel to you? As our campaign moves forward, be part of the groundswell. Offer your ideas and work on projects that empower your vision. Keep up with our meetings and activities by reading email updates and announcements. Step forward now to create a safer, more humane and joyful community for ourselves and our children, a Sonoma County united in kindness. Sign the declaration! Pass it on! (Read the declaration text, below.) In hope and faith, Mohammad K. Jabbari Founding member, Interfaith Council of Sonoma County Chair, Sonoma County—United in Kindness Campaign [email protected] _________________________________ A Declaration of Unity by Sonoma County Residents SONOMA COUNTY—UNITED IN KINDNESS We the undersigned believe that freedom from hateful speech, bullying, discrimination, and violence is a human right. We believe all of us benefit from living in a diverse community. Everyone, especially children and youth, requires a place to grow and learn in peace and safety, guided in kindness and caring. We are proud that our half-million Sonoma County neighbors come from so many of humankind’s backgrounds, beliefs, and traditions in pursuit of joyful and healthful living. To sustain these strengths, we affirm trust in a social fabric that does not permit harm to individuals and groups based on distinctions of ability, age, appearance, ethnicity, gender identity, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, and socio-economic position. We call on all Sonoma County residents to find ways to create this pluralistic social fabric. We call on our leaders in education, government, business, health, and faith to build, through education and initiatives in their areas of influence, a county that honors human rights. In recognition of these desires for unity, we jointly declare Sonoma County—United in Kindness. Sponsored by:the Interfaith Council of Sonoma County Endorsed by: Alternatives to Violence Project — North Bay Council • Appleseed Friends Meeting (Quakers) — Sebastopol • B’nai Israel Jewish Center — Petaluma • Board of Supervisors of Sonoma County • Center for Spiritual Living — Santa Rosa • City of Cloverdale, California • City of Cotati, California • City of Petaluma, California • City of Rohnert Park, California • City of Sebastopol, California • Comité VIDA • Commission on Human Rights of Sonoma County • Community Church of Sebastopol, United Church of Christ • Congregation Ner Shalom — Cotati, CA • Congregation Shomrei Torah — Santa Rosa • Elim Lutheran Church — Petaluma, CA • Emmaus Community in Sonoma County • First United Methodist Church of Santa Rosa • Homeless Action! • Indivisible Petaluma • Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative • Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California • Journey Center — Santa Rosa • Joyful Noise! Gospel Singers • LezResist! • Metropolitan Community Church of the Redwood Empire • Movimiento Cultural de la Union Indigena — Sonoma and Napa Counties • North Bay LGBTQI+ Families • North Bay Organizing Project — Santa Rosa • North Bay Organizing Project, Petaluma division • Of One Soul Project • Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County • The Peace Crane Project • Petaluma Community Relations Council • Presbyterian Church of the Roses — Santa Rosa • Racial Justice Allies of Sonoma County • Redwood Forest Friends Meeting (Quakers) — Santa Rosa • Sonoma County Family YMCA • Sonoma County Japanese American Citizens League • St. Patrick's Episcopal Church — Kenwood • St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church — Sebastopol • Sonoma State University Academic Senate • Team for Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity (TIDE) • Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Rosa • United Church of Christ - Petaluma • Unity Church of Santa Rosa • YWCA Sonoma County
    1,611 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Hoffman Picture
  • Remove the Deadline on the Equal Rights Amendment
    The Equal Rights Amendment is a U.S. Constitutional amendment that will empower women, reaffirm the rights of men, and allow for the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to provide protections for those persons in the LBGT Community as all people should be treated equally under the law. IMPORTANT UPDATE It is time now to call upon our US Senators and urge those who were previously opposed to the ERA or had once been and changed their position to strategically pivot and co-sponsor and vote “Yea!” on S.J. Res. 1. It is time now to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment! Much progress has been made these past few months; the US Senate Chamber is poised to ‘Remove the Deadline on the Equal Rights Amendment'. Having reached the requisite number of ratified states on January 27, 2020; and the US House having adopted H.J. Res. 17, this past March 2021, with bi-partisan support; and with advocates and activists now focusing on the US Senate, S.J. Res. 1 is gaining momentum and support. One should note that the resolution is designated as S.J. Res. 1 in the 117th Congress, a clear indication of its importance. Some lawsuits in motion are of relevance, particularly the VA Attorney General suit which a Notice of Appeal has been filed. Do keep in mind that come January 27, 2022, the Courts will be bogged down with a flurry of even more lawsuits. The best approach moving forward as Linda Coberly of Winston and Strawn, LLC., stated “It would be best to have a ‘belt and suspenders’ approach: that it would be best to have both litigation and legislation, and to get Congress to act. Because if Congress acts, then you can defend that action under what’s called the political question doctrine and say that that is an issue for Congress and the courts shouldn’t get involved in it at all.”
    714 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Helene de Boissiere - Swanson Picture
  • Cover Healthcare Costs for Coal Ash Affected Communities
    WHY: People in the broader public, who do not partake in the private profit of Duke Energy--and its pressure to weaken NC DEQ regulations--should not have to pay with their health and even, sometimes, their lives. WHAT: Clean and affordable, in-home drinking water is a must. Breathable, healthy air is a must. Homes and homeplaces that did (and should) have monetary value in everyday working families must be protected for the vital (and sometimes sole) investments that they are. Having one's health is also a must--life free from the cancers and lung, heart, brain, skin, and reproductive disorders to which exposure to coal ash toxins are linked. WHEN: Pay for healthcare coverage costs in a tiered model, triaging first to most-expensive healthcare (brain tumor, rare neurological conditions, strokes and temporary or permanent paralysis, birth defects). Begin in 2020, and continue paying in 2 year increments for healthcare costs incurred by coal ash communities' residents through 2036 when coal ash is fully excavated from ponds; and in steady rates for 30 years following. Duke Energy and NC DEQ must cover all related costs where residents' homes and businesses test positive for heavy metals, radon, and other coal ash associated dangers. This must occur regardless of other health conditions--since these are usually worsened by exposure to industrial toxins, and should not be abused as a loophole to get out of accountability. Toxic exposures take many different forms in health symptoms--the effects depend on the resident's initial health proclivities and what mix of coal ash metals and carcinogens and radioactive materials they were exposed to, at what times of their life (e.g., childhood, in utero, while pregnant, during adolescent puberty, while a resident, an employee, or a schoolchild). Use the precautionary principle--taking action before it is too late to prevent the massive loss of human potential to morbidity, mortality, and other irreplaceable resources where the true costs of coal ash are reflected and magnified. BENEFITS: Health is the foundation of everything in one's life--from caring for one's family to keeping a job, from remaining physically mobile and mentally sound, to staying out of debt as incurred from medical care costs. Healthcare coverage costs are rarely factored in to the upfront costs of US coal production and coal ash waste storage, but they are burdensome, unjust, and must be addressed. Health harms of coal production and coal ash waste storage are dispersed throughout targeted local communities that bear the brunt of coal production harms. Coal-affected communities with steam stations and waste sites in NC are--as they are nationally in what are called "sacrifice zones"--disproportionately lower- and middle-income, split across county/town lines. Within those income and zoning categories, coal and coal waste affected communities often egregiously over-represent people of color in relation to the existing demographics of each region, and among a mix of Black, Brown, and White residents' distribution in affected neighborhoods. Full coal ash excavation must take place in NC, moving coal ash waste in unlined and seeping ponds and pits instead to lined, un-leaking and well-maintained, above-ground and onsite landfills. The cost and the timeline are not an issue that should delay or minimize plans for full excavation once and for all in NC--which must catch up to SC and VA where excavation is occurring to measurable benefit to local health, water, air, and economies. What matters are the prosperity and vibrancy of local rural communities, the stability of housing, and direct support for human health in NC "environmental justice communities of concern". IN SUM: Cover healthcare costs of coal ash affected NC communities now--and budget healthcare coverage into the projected "cleanup costs" Duke Energy and NC DEQ are considering. Account for the real costs of coal and lax safety laws to human lives in NC workplaces, rural economies, close-knit communities, and everyday families. Thank you, bless you! It will feel so good to do the right thing! FURTHER INFORMATION: 1. US Commission on Civil Rights on Healthcare Costs for Coal Ash Affected Communities: FULL TRANSCRIPT: (see highlights) https://bit.ly/2DKEqLe FURTHER INFO: http://itisinyou.org/ejhealth 2. Cancer Clusters--Impossible to Prove but We Still Must Act: NEWSWEEK - www.newsweek.com/2016/07/29/geographic-cancer-clusters-industrial-polluters-481423.html ON SCIENCE: www.facingsouth.org/2016/05/nc-produces-flawed-study-to-dismiss-cancer-cluster.html 3. Camp Lejeune Act--A Model for Covering Health Costs from Toxic Water, "Janey Esminger Act 2012": PROTECTING MARINES: www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/article24734458.html AND www.newsobserver.com/news/business/health-care/article10114484.html NEED FOR BIPARTISAN ACCOUNTABILITY: www.rollcall.com/news/Obama-Administration-Moves-to-Deny-Justice-for-Camp-Lejeune-Veterans-234417-1.html
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Garlock
  • Clergywomen and Allies Denounce Sexual Assault and Abuse; Oppose Kavenaugh Supreme Court Nomination
    There are times when silence is not only betrayal. It is obscene. We find ourselves in such a moment right now as we watch the unfolding narratives about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the deeply disturbing allegations against him. It goes without saying that the past few weeks have been emotionally, spiritually and even physically taxing for many of us in the faith community and in our nation. We have witnessed profiles in courage and profiles in cruelty. We have seen survivors of sexual assault and abuse come forward for the very first time and bravely share unimaginable experiences. Sadly, we have also seen those same survivors be ridiculed and demeaned in shameful ways – most notably by the President of the United States and some evangelical church leaders. We have had enough. We are painfully aware that sexual assault and abuse has not been limited to the larger, secular society. It has been, and continues to be, a problem within the Church, leaving a lasting stain on our souls and our witness. We will not tolerate this kind of behavior from anyone – least of all church leaders, elected officials or by someone nominated to be on the Supreme Court of The United States. We have had enough. While the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, his behavior and his lack of candor give us great pause. Several U.S. Senators, church leaders and even other women who support Judge Kavanaugh have also shown us how deeply entrenched our society is in misogyny, sexism and rape culture. We. Have. Had. ENOUGH. We are, therefore, calling on all people of faith and conscience to: - Stand up with Survivors of sexual assault and abuse - Contact your U.S. Senators on social media and email (https://www.senate.gov/senators/index.htm) and urge them to vote NO on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh. - Contact your representatives (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members) and tell them to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which expired on Sept. 30th . - Register and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 6th. We will not just take it. We will not be silent. Our mouths are uncovered. We will make our voices heard and hold those who dismiss, ignore, deride or shame us accountable when we go to the polls. Because, we believe survivors and we have had enough.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ebony Grisom
  • It is just to investigate allegations against Brett Kavanaugh before final vote
    Without a proper investigation, the Senate Judiciary Commiteeman and the full Senate can not possibly render a just and informed opinion on the standing of Kavanaugh as a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. Evidence could include witnesses accounts, medical records, and other sources that we can not possibly know of at this time. The Supreme Court renders decisions that impact every aspect of the day to day lives of all Americans. It is unfair to rush an appointment through without deference to collecting the facts that will allow a reasoned vote for or against a person being considered for such a position of power for decades to come. The American people deserve to know that any SCOTUS justice has the highest legal and moral integrity in serving the country in such an impactful way.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Michaels
  • Tell PA's State Legislature and Governor: Let Pennsylvania Drive Forward!
    Driver's licenses help meet basic needs. The right to mobility, to move freely, is inscribed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Many other fundamental needs — to work, to education, and to human dignity — are only accessible via valid identification and adequate transportation. When surveyed, nearly 300 people said that due to lack of a driver's license they have: *Taken work with less pay or fewer hours *Had difficulty renting an apartment/house *Had to give up educational opportunities, a better school or a scholarship *Children are scared of losing parent from driving without a license Our Public Safety The roads and highways are safer when everyone behind the wheel has a license, insurance, and identification. For this reason, police officers and sheriffs around the country are in favor of this right being granted to all people. An unmarked license is necessary to encourage all drivers in Pennsylvania to obtain a license. A marked license would perpetuate the fear many immigrants have of deportation and family separation. Our Economy The ability to legally drive allows immigrants to fully contribute to the local economy. Access to transportation is necessary for the many immigrant workers, business owners, parents, and students in Pennsylvania. Undocumented Pennsylvanians contribute an estimated $139 million in taxes in PA annually. The first year of enacting proposed legislation could see between $2.76 million to $4.14 million in revenue from licensing fees alone, with a possible $2.36 to $3.54 million in subsequent years — a number that far outpaces the cost of implementation. ESPAÑOL Las licencias de conducir ayudan a cubrir necesidades básicas. El derecho a la movilidad, a moverse libremente, esta inscrito en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos. Muchas otras necesidades fundamentales - trabajar, educación, y la dignidad humana - sólo son accesibles a través de una identificación válida y transporte adecuado. Casi 300 personas al ser encuestadas dijeron que debido a la falta de una licencia de conducir han: *Tomado trabajos con menos paga o menos horas *Tenido dificultad para alquilar un apartamento o casa *Tenido que renunciar a oportunidades de educación, una escuela mejor o una beca *Los niños tienen miedo de ser separados de sus padres por conducir sin licencia Nuestra Seguridad Pública Las calles y autopistas son más seguras 
cuando la persona detrás del timón tiene una licencia, seguro e identificación. Por ésta razón, policías y sheriffs alrededor del país están a favor de que éste derecho le sea otorgado a todas las personas. Las licencias sin marcar son necesarias para animar a todos los que manejan a obtener una. Las licencias marcadas perpetuarían en los inmigrantes el temor a la deportación y la separación familiar. Nuestra Economía Poder conducir legalmente permite a los inmigrantes contribuir a la economía local. El acceso a transporte es necesario para muchos inmigrantes trabajadores, empresarios, padres y estudiantes en Pensilvania. Residentes indocumentados de Pensilvania contribuyen un estimado anual de $139 millones en impuestos estatales. Durante el primer año de la promulgación de la legislación propuesta, ésta podría generar entre $2,760,000 y $4.14 millones solamente en el costo de la licencia, con la posibilidad de $2.36 a $3,54 millones en los años siguientes, -una cifra que supera con creces el costo de la implementación.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Desi Burnette
  • Stop the Deportation of Oneita, Clive and Suyapa so They can Keep Their Families Together
    Both families are making the hard, but bold decision to enter Sanctuary to protest immoral and unjust immigration policies. They are only two examples of the millions of people who have been affected by the Trump Administration’s extremist anti-immigrant agenda. Separating children from their parents at the border, ending TPS for many countries, increasing enforcement and arrests, and changing asylum rules to exclude victims of domestic violence and gang violence are some of the policies that devastate immigrant communities here in Philadelphia and across the country. It also shows that the Trump Administration separating families does not just happen at the border, but everywhere in the country when people are detained or deported. This is a moral crisis. These two families from the Jamaican and Central American communities stand together to challenge these policies, showing that this is not just a Latinx issue, but one that affects all immigrant communities. In taking Sanctuary, they step into a tradition thousands of years old that confronts immoral and unjust laws. The First United Methodist Church of Germantown (FUMCOG) was part of the Sanctuary Movement in the 1980s. In September 1984, FUMCOG provided Sanctuary to a Guatemalan couple fleeing persecution and organized to change U.S. policy. Thirty-four years later – almost to the day - they again answer this sacred call in an urgent time. Please support Oneita, Clive, Suyapa and their families by signing and sharing this petition. ¿Por qué es importante esta petición? Estas dos familias han hecho la decisión, a la vez difícil y valiente, de acogerse al Santuario para oponerse a las políticas migratorias inmorales e injustas que los ponen nuevamente en peligro. Como ellos hay millones de personas que han sido afectadas por la actitud extremista que el Presidente Trump ha mostrado en contra de los migrantes. Sus políticas han aterrorizado a las comunidades de emigrantes, tanto en Filadelfia como en el resto del país, entre ellas la separación de padres e hijos menores de edad en la frontera, la cancelación inesperada de los permisos especiales de permanecer en el país otorgados a víctimas de desastres naturales (TPS, o estatus legal temporal), los numerosos arrestos y detenciones que siembran miedo, y los repentinos cambios en la validez de la violencia doméstica o la continua amenaza de las maras (pandillas armadas) en el país de origen como base para reclamar asilo político. Es claro, además, que la separación de las familias no afecta solamente a los nuevos migrantes que llegan a la frontera sur, sino a los que residen en cualquier parte del país. Estamos viviendo una crisis moral. Estas dos familias, pertenecientes a la comunidad jamaiquina y la centroamericana, se han levantado para desafiar estas acciones, demostrando que no importa el país de origen de los migrantes, todos podrian ser rechazados con la misma arbitrariedad. Al acogerse en Santuario, estas familias recurren a una tradición milenaria que confronta leyes inmorales e injustas. La Primera Iglesia Metodista de Germantown (FUMCOG, por sus siglas en inglés), en Filadelfia, fue parte del Movimiento Santuario de la década de 1980. En 1984 le abrieron sus puertas a una familia de Guatemala. Treinta y cuatro años más tarde, casi exactamente en la misma fecha, vuelven a proclamarse Santuario para dos familias, respondiendo a un deber sagrado en un tiempo de enorme urgencia. Por favor apoyen con su firma a Oneita, Clive, Suyapa y sus familias, y compartan esta carta con sus amigos y comunidades.
    3,666 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia Picture